November 26, 2013: Love

I am grateful for love.

What comes to mind very quickly when I think about love is the love my Daddy had for me. It has gotten me through so many tough times, both when he was alive, and now that he has passed. He loves me so so incredibly much and empowered me to do so much through his love. He was constantly there for me and he taught me how to unconditionally love others.

Makiko loves me so much and shows me that each and every day. She is not only the best guide dog but she also provides so much emotional support that I often need. I love her so incredibly much as well and that has allowed us to form this bond that not many other people can understand. We are two peas in a pod.

I also have a lot of other love in my life from my family, of course, but also Steven and my best friends. I am loved and can love others– which makes my world go around. 🙂

November 3, 2013: My Daddy

Today and everyday really, I am very thankful for my Daddy. I loved having him as a stay at home Dad for much of my life and developing the close bond with him that I did. I still cannot believe that he passed away, and I am still very much grieving and heartbroken. The grieving process is so not linear like many think. However, even though he has passed, he still very much lives on through his family and he is always very near. So much of who I am is because of him and he was just so amazing. I am very lucky that my boyfriend got to meet him and that he has memories of him. I am very thankful for the 23 years that I got to spend with my Daddy and all the fun memories and lessons he taught me. I miss you, Daddy.

Sorry, I haven’t posted.. Let me fill you in

Hi Readers,

I’m sorry my posts seem to come in bursts. Hopefully, that will change soon with all the talk about getting a guide dog. I wanted to explain my recent time away from my blog. The first week of November my Dad got really sick and was diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. Over the next two months, he went through many surgeries, was in the hospital most of the time, we almost lost him a few times, had a lot of heartaches and scares, and we were also told his cancer was inoperable. We thought we had about a year with my Daddy but on January 2nd, he passed away. My Dad was my best friend AND my father, and he was the best at both of these two jobs. I miss him dearly.. he was so supportive of me with my RP. He did go through the grieving process and did not always understand how limited my vision is, but that’s expected. He was always there to help, whatever I needed, when I needed, and I miss him like crazy. Things are pretty hectic nowadays but we’re making it work.



Miss you like crazy Daddy, I know you’re watching me from up there.